Friday, June 22, 2007


We (the kids and I) will be in Orlando all week. Dan is driving up with us tomorrow and will come back on Sunday. We will be at Lela & Lelo's time share for the week and then Dan will come back to get us.
We are planig an escape to Disney next Saturday before we drive back home. This will be the first time we take them so I'm very excited. I will have lots of photos to show when we get back... I hope. I sometimes forget to take pictures when we are away. I just get a little too raped up in the moment but I will do my best. Until then...

Yanek and Stashi
will be with us too : )

Thursday, June 21, 2007

A Wonderful Father's Day

We had such a nice day on Sunday. We left to the beach around 11 AM and didn't return home until 7PM. It was a beautiful morning. The kids played in the water, and in the sand. It rained in the afternoon so they also played in the rain. We went home and had cake with Lelo. It was the perfect end to the day. They were so tired that as soon as we got home they went to bed.
I have so many photos I want to share with you that I have posted them on Flickr. You can view them
here Enjoy!

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Making Things

Ethan and I have been making things lately. Here are just a few of the things we've made:

There are also paper planes, paper boats, more paper hats, a paper camel, a paper house, a paper farm, a paper bird, a paper dog... Do we see a theme here? I see many more paper projects in our future, and I love it. He did make two flowers by the way and he did such a great job that you can't tell the difference between the ones I made and his. He's so talented:0)


The kids had a great time painting at Lela's house.
Bianca loves to paint. She gets very serious. Its so cute.
Fifi doesn't like to get dirty so it takes her a little while to warm up to it. But once she does, its great. Ethan always likes to paint, but I think he likes to mix colors more than he likes painting. He did a great job painting his bird house.

Happy Father's Day

We will be at the beach today celebrating Daddy's day.
Wishing all the great Dads we know a very nice Father's day.

Happy Daddy

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Empanadas Anyone?

Still Thursday. It rained in the afternoon so Ethan and I made cheese empanadas. He had three of them, and if we had made more he probably would have asked for more

Bianca just pokes a hole in them and then proceeds to only eat the cheese.

Fiona takes her time (as with everything) and east the whole thing.


Cutest little Cowgirl

Thursday we went to the park for about 10 minutes. It was soo hot and humid that the kids were happy to go. How cute is she with that hat? and with those braids... She really is the cuttest little cowgirl. Oh and she loves her braids, when the elastic falls off she brings it to me to put it back on. Her cheeks are getting so big too!

Monday, June 11, 2007


Last week just got away from me. I took a few pictures but never got around to writing. This was Wednesday. Dan did't have school so he got to play with the kids. Bianca was sitting next to me talking to Stellaluna. She was not interested in playing "attack", but seemed to have a good time just being around all the giggling.

Monday, June 4, 2007

Floor Art

I really shouldn't encourage this, but they are so cute.


We had a very nice weekend. Birthday parties, movies and lots of playing.

The kids all have Neurology appointments on July 10th.

I will have more later in the week. In the meantime I leave you with this from a very talented photographer I have just discovered.

Oh, and please feel free to comment I'm getting lonely here.

Friday, June 1, 2007

Ethan found an Elf

Ethan found this little elf yesterday after their bath.
Our little Fiona is learning how to ask for things (food mostly).
She takes the cup out of the dishwasher and gives it to me saying 'juice'. She also takes my hand and puts it on the refrigerator so I can open it and she can tell me what she wants fom there. Which can be either cheese or butter (meaning bread with butter). She says 'cheese' and she says 'cow' when she wants bread with butter because there is a drawing of a cow on the butter container. She's a smart little one.

Yes, that is a bald spot on Ethan's head. There's more than just that one. He decided to cut his hair yesterday because he couldn't find the straws. He's into cutting now, and he likes to cut straws into little pieces.
So, what do you do when you can't find the straws and mama tells you NO you cannot cut your hair? You cut your hair, of course.
He was very sad after he saw what it looked like, and mama was less than thrilled. We will be cutting his hair very very short now.

Have a great weekend everyone.